The pedestrian ring in Patraix and Tres Forques neighborhoods born after 5 school mobility plans have been done. This pedestrian ring connects, in 3,5Km., 11 schools, squares and parks of the two neighborhoods. Our Jane Jacobs walk consist in explore one section of this pedestrian ring. We start in the CEIP Doctor Lòpez Rosat and we finish in the Patraix Square.
Date & Time: Wednesday, May 4, 2016; 16:30 to 18:00
Event Start/End:
The event will start at Calle de Vicente Maroto, 1
and end at Patraix Square
Host: Francesc Arechavala, AMPA CEIP Lòpez Rosat and Colecamins
Contact Info:
Francesc Arechavala
Theme: Walking
Accessibility: This event is accessible and open to Wheelchairs, Seniors, Children, Other:.
Registration: No, all are welcome.