Investing in The Strollway: A Winston-Salem Asset
3:00 PM15:00

Investing in The Strollway: A Winston-Salem Asset

You’re invited to join the North Carolina Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals in Winston-Sale, on a tour of the magnificent Strollway! This Jane Jacobs inspired walk will explore what makes Winston-Salem such a special and unique place and inspire participant discussion on topics such as placemaking, planning, bike and walkability, connectivity, accessibility, and future development.

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México: Rediseñando las Calles y Banquetas de Tijuana
9:00 AM09:00

México: Rediseñando las Calles y Banquetas de Tijuana

  • Blvd. Cuauhtémoc #2340, Col. Revolución, Tijuana, Baja California 22400 Mexico (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Invitamos a la comunidad a ser parte de esta actividad de planeación y de consulta pública que busca cambiar la manera en que diseñamos las calles de Tijuana, para impulsar comunidades más caminables y habitables. Durante la caminata, estaremos explorando espacios públicos clave desde la Zona Rio hasta la Zona Centro, pero, sobre todo, estaremos observando el diseño actual de las calles, limitaciones a la movilidad peatonal, y oportunidades de mejora. 

We are working on a mobility plan to change the way we design city streets in Tijuana, to foster more walkable, livable communities, and we want the community to be part of the design process. During the walk, we will be exploring key public spaces along Zona Rio and Downtown Tijuana, but more importantly, we will be observing current street and design limitations to walking and opportunities for improvement.

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10:30 AM10:30

Brasil: Conhecendo o bairro de Itaquera

  • Saída da Estação Dom Bosco da Linha 11 (Coral) da CPTM, -, Sao Paulo, SP None Brazil (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Os bairros mais distantes do Centro de São Paulo também têm seus marcos, sua identidade e seus lugares interessantes. A Associação Preserva São Paulo pela primeira vez organiza um passeio por Itaquera Itaquera, que possui uma grande diversidade e muitas histórias para contar.

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to Jun 18

Croatia: Manifestacija Split 3 - Ulice, kvartovi, stanovnici

  • 21 Ulica Ruđera Boškovića Split, Splitsko-dalmatinska županija, 21000 Croatia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Pozivamo vas da nam se pridružite i na ovogodišnjoj manifestaciji Split 3 – ulice, kvartovi, stanovnici 20.5. – 18.6.2019.

Iskustvo stečeno organizacijom prošlogodišnje manifestacije "50 godina Splita 3 – ulice, kvartovi, stanovnici" ugradili smo u ovogodišnji program. Potrudit ćemo se da se manifestacija nastavi i sljedećih godina kao svojevrsni festival arhitekture grada na Mediteranu.

Program će se odvijati na ulicama Splita 3, na vanjskom prostoru "Udruge za suvremenu umjetnost Kvart" i u prostorijama "Gradskog kotara Trstenik" .

Namijenjen je svima koji žele naučiti više o iznimno značajnom urbanizmu i arhitekturi Splita 3, kao i onima koji žele pogledati dobar film i poslušati dobru glazbu na ulicama trećeg gradskog rajona. Iznimno nam je drago što ćemo ove godine čuti i predavanje o grafitima karakterističnim za Split 3.

Social Media Event: Facebook

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Roanoke, VA: Historic Gainsboro and Urban Renewal
2:00 PM14:00

Roanoke, VA: Historic Gainsboro and Urban Renewal

  • 15 Patton Avenue Northwest Roanoke, VA, 24016 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Participants will be guided through the extensive history of the Gainsboro neighborhood. The tour will begin at Gainsboro Library and weave through local neighborhood streets, highlighting prominent black figures from local history. Participants will discuss the impact of urban renewal on the City's landscape as they venture through the history of those honored at Wells Avenue Plaza. The tour will follow Patton Avenue, Gilmer Avenue, Gainsboro Road, Wells Avenue and Henry Street. The walk will circle back to end at Gainsboro Library, where participants will have the opportunity to reflect on their newfound knowledge of the City and connections made within their community.

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Spain: Logroño de la mano de Jane
10:00 AM10:00

Spain: Logroño de la mano de Jane

  • Plaza del Mercado, Logroño (La Rioja) (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Su fin es el de descubrir los rincones y las gentes que dan vida a nuestros barrios al margen de su interés estratégico o turístico. A su vez, pretendemos también aprovechar el paseo para conversar y debatir sobre el pasado, el presente y el futuro del barrio, así como recoger las inquietudes de sus habitantes. La duración de los paseos es de 90 min.

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Somerville's Winter Hill and Gilman Square: Past, Present, and Future
2:00 PM14:00

Somerville's Winter Hill and Gilman Square: Past, Present, and Future

  • Summit Apartment Complex, 425 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02145 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On this neighbor-led tour of the Winter Hill and Gilman Square neighborhoods in Somerville, local folks will share their stories, insights and visions for this gradually evolving area with lots of history, new businesses, an MBTA Green Line station, and an expanded Somerville High School campus!

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NY: Eyes on Brooklyn Heights
11:00 AM11:00

NY: Eyes on Brooklyn Heights

  • 209 Joralemon Street Brooklyn, NY, 11201 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When you think of a city you like, what comes to mind? Can a city be a work of art? How do parked cars serve pedestrians? Most of the interaction among people, bikes, and cars is unplanned. How does that happen? Why do people gather in some places and avoid others? Is it possible to create a neighborhood from the ground up? What is a “public space”? How can the design of public space promote or retard social interaction?

The beautiful and historic neighborhood of Brooklyn Heights offers excellent examples of Jane Jacobs’s principles of urban diversity in action. Beginning at the steps of Brooklyn¹s Borough Hall, we will stroll through residential and commercial streets while observing and talking about how the physical environment influences social activity and even economic and cultural development, both for good and for ill. We will be stopping at several points of interest, including the famous Promenade, and end near the #2/3 subway and a nice coffeehouse.

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Seattle, WA: Critic's Choice: Best of Seattle Architecture
1:00 PM13:00

Seattle, WA: Critic's Choice: Best of Seattle Architecture

  • 901 12th Avenue Seattle, WA, 98122 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Architect and author, Sheri Olson, FAIA, former architecture critic for the Seattle PI and a contributing editor to Architectural Record will lead a tour of Seattle’s best architecture from the Chapel of St. Ignatius on Seattle University’s campus to the new Pike Place MarketFront. 

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Roanoke, VA: Historic Downtown Roanoke
11:00 AM11:00

Roanoke, VA: Historic Downtown Roanoke

The Historic Downtown Walk takes visitors through the heart of the city, starting with the bustling Farmers Market, and continuing along some of downtown’s most important and scenic commercial streets. Points of interest will include Center in the Square, Market Street Row, Old First National Exchange Bank, Texas Tavern, Noel C. Taylor Municipal Building, and many more historic buildings throughout downtown. Participants will start and end on Campbell Avenue in front of the City Market Building.

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Donostia, Basque Country, Spain: Loiolako Erriberak-Riberas de Loyola
10:30 AM10:30

Donostia, Basque Country, Spain: Loiolako Erriberak-Riberas de Loyola

This walk has a main objective to make people be aware of women´s contribution to Donostia, our city. We are walking around places and streets which are named after women in this area Loiola and Loiolako Erriberak. This whole area is the open door for the city to grow. This brings a lot of controversy among the citizens. So we will have time to reflect on this. Also we will visit the Memory Park which is dedicated to all the victims of human violence. Women around the world are still suffering and showing their resilience against men´s violence.

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Plattsburgh, NY: Friends of Saranac River Trail Jane Jacobs Walk
10:00 AM10:00

Plattsburgh, NY: Friends of Saranac River Trail Jane Jacobs Walk

Join us for our second annual Jane's Walk. Once again, we'll be focusing on downtown Plattsburgh. Meet at 10 AM in front of City Hall. The walk will last an hour. There are no stairs involved.

Sponsored by Friends of Saranac River Trail, the Downtown Walk is free.

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Controversy about House Tear-Downs in Cambridge, MA
10:00 AM10:00

Controversy about House Tear-Downs in Cambridge, MA

Our 11th annual walk will explore the current controversy about house tear-downs by walking, observing, and discussing this issue as experienced by the Taylor Square neighborhood, located on either side of Sherman Street between Huron Avenue and Walden Street. Throughout the city, developers are demolishing older viable homes and replacing them with larger, luxurious houses – rather than rehabilitating them – which many feel is detrimental to both the environment and the character of existing neighborhoods.

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Illinois: Rockford's Brooke Road Neighborhood
10:00 AM10:00

Illinois: Rockford's Brooke Road Neighborhood

  • Brooke Road United Methodist Church (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a walk down Brooke Rd to Kishwaukee, through the neighborhoods up to Harrison, and back down 11th Street as we learn the history of the area, celebrate beauty, and look for opportunity. After an hour-long walk, we'll gather at the church for a presentation on our community garden with Q&A by a master gardener and a free chili lunch. You can pick up free seeds and plants, learn how to soil prep and compost, check out our raised garden beds and rain barrels, and sign up for space in the garden.

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Planning for People: Mumbai then and Now
8:30 AM08:30

Planning for People: Mumbai then and Now

On a walk through the Dadar Parsi and Hindu Colonies in central Mumbai, India, participants will be encouraged to observe and interpret the reasons why these areas have, for the past century, been considered amongst the city's best planned neighbourhoods for people. We will also confront the almost overwhelming, rampant urban development that is eroding neighbourhoods, and changing lifestyles, across Mumbai, today. Our walk, observations and discussions will be guided by the enduring cues and thoughts of Jane Jacobs, on the health of cities everywhere.

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1st Jane's Walk Xap Festival
8:00 AM08:00

1st Jane's Walk Xap Festival

The undergraduate Architecture and Urbanism course of Unochapecó (Community University of Chapecó Region) invites the community to take part in the 1st Jane's Walk Xap Festival.

The activities will take place in order to honor Jane Jacobs' ideas by promoting discussions about cities and how urbanism should assist their development.

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Phoenix: Back to Basics
5:30 PM17:30

Phoenix: Back to Basics

  • W Portland St & N 2nd Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85003 (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Jane Jacobs became one of America's most famed urbanists after preventing highways from carving up Manhattan and authoring "The Death and Life of Great American Cities". Few have been so central to our understanding of why walkable neighborhoods are important and how they are formed. Every spring, people around the nation host "Jane's Walks" in her honor. This year, the Urban Phoenix Project is teaming up with Local First Arizona's For(u)m to lead our 8th annual "Jane's Walk: Phoenix". We will be getting back to the basics, discussing Jane's four Generators of Diversity and her concept of Sidewalk Ballet as we stroll down 2nd Avenue from the Roosevelt Neighborhood to the Downtown Core. Meet at the roundabout @ Portland & 2nd Ave to start the walk. The walk will end at a local watering hole to give us an opportunity to continue the conversation.

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Chile: Urbanizacion de Viña del Mar
4:00 PM16:00

Chile: Urbanizacion de Viña del Mar

  • Calle siete hermanas, Tranque Sur, Calle siente hermanas con el Sol (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Viña del Mar ha sido una ciudad que ha mutado bastante con el transcurso del tiempo, pasando desde la influencia de los pueblos aborígenes de changos y la cultura inca hasta llegar a la completa urbanización que vivimos hoy en día, toda traída de la mano de la industrialización, los magnates inmigrantes y sus negocios en el país y una nueva forma de concebir la ciudad como un exponente por excelencia del turismo en Chile, los invitamos a todos ustedes a conocer cómo es que partió el movimiento industrial y la génesis ciudadana en la Viña de la Mar, y así llegar a los cimientos de su historia, partiendo por el Tranque Sur, una de las áreas verdes que posee Forestal (uno de los cerros de Viña del Mar) hasta llegar al Reloj de Flores (una zona altamente turística en donde prevalece más historia de la que parece).

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Canberra, ACT, Australia: Jane Jacobs Walk at Campbell 5
4:15 PM16:15

Canberra, ACT, Australia: Jane Jacobs Walk at Campbell 5

  • 9 Pentland St, Campbell 5, Canberra, ACT 2612 Australia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In the spirit of this remarkable woman, this walk is about bringing together residents, business owners, and design and planning professionals to explore what makes this neighborhood special and “to connect with community and the environment”. Join the walk, drinks and conversation about how the urban renewal at Campbell 5 is happening and explore what is unique.

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