Local experts to lead walking tours of Fayetteville June 10 and 17
/Originally posted at https://www.fayettevilleflyer.com/2018/06/05/local-experts-to-lead-walking-tours-of-fayetteville-june-10-and-17/ and written by Dustin Bartholomew.
Do you like learning about Fayetteville and its history? Do you enjoy getting a little exercise every once in a while? Want to do both of those things at the same time?
If you nodded ‘yes’ three times just now, you’ll be excited to know about four ‘Jane’s Walk’ events coming up in Fayetteville, as part of Walton Arts Center’s Artosphere Festival over the next couple weeks.
The first one is set for 10 a.m. on Sunday, June 10 featuring the Urban History of Downtown Fayetteville, and lead by historian Charlie Alison. Alison will lead participants from the Lafayette Street Bride south to MartinLuther King, pointing out sites of interest along the way. Attendees will meet at Lafayette Street Bridge, between West and Gregg Avenues in Fayetteville.
Later that same day at 2 p.m., Watershed Conservation Resource Center executive director Sandi Formica will lead a tour of the Mullins Creek Restoration on the University of Arkansas Campus. During the tour, Formica will speak about techniques for restoring urban streams, causes of degradation, and how they can create wildlife habitats and protect our drinking water source. Attendees will meet at the corner of Leroy Pond Drive and S. Razorback Road.
At 3 p.m. on Sunday, Professor of Indigenous Studies and citizen of the Cherokee Nation Sean Teuton will lead a tour titled Walking Native Fayetteville. During the tour, Teuton will point out Trail of Tears camp sites, historical buildings, and significant items relating to the Native American history in Fayetteville. Attendees will meet at Fenix Fayetteville Gallery (16 W. Center Street in Fayetteville).
That following Sunday, June 17, local artist and photographer Sabine Schmidt will lead a tour titled Ways to Wander: Rediscovering Our City. The tour will meet at Fenix Fayetteville Gallery (16 W. Center Street) at 11 a.m., and Schmidt will lead attendees on a tour that asks, “What happens when we walk like strangers visiting Fayetteville for the first time?”
All of the walking tours are ‘Jane’s Walks,’ and part of Walton Arts Center’s annual Artosphere festival.
The events are named for writer and activist Jane Jacobs, known for her 1961 treatise The Death and Life of Great American Cities, who encouraged people to walk their neighborhoods in order to discover unseen aspects of their communities, and as a way to connect with neighbors. Jane’s Walk events now take place in hundreds of cities around the country.
All of the tours are free to attend and open to the public. Each one will travel less than a mile, and will be an hour or less in duration.
For a bit more information, visit waltonartscenter.org.