Celebrating the 107th birth date of one of our most influential authors and urban activists, Jane Jacobs. Hosted by local AIA architect, John Cowder. Please join us for a one-hour walking tour of Jane’s childhood neighborhood and see Jane’s home, the site of Wickham Bros Potato Chip Factory, the site of the George Washington School #3, with a stop at Henry’s on Clay. There will also be many historic insights and discussions along the way.
1 AIA CES Learning Credit is available (pending approval)
Date: Saturday May 6, 2023
Time: 10:00 am ET
Host/Contact: John Cowder, AIA | email
Start: Dunmore Community Center, 1414 Monroe, Ave., Scranton, PA 18509
Modality: Walking
Reservations: Pre-registration is appreciated. Contact John at johncowder [at] verizon.net
Accessibility: This event is open to seniors and children.