Starting in the Central Business District (CBD), we’ll walk through good, bad, and debatable pedestrian infrastructure while we also explore how a few different bars interface with the street and utilize their spaces in creative ways. This Jane’s Walk will be more of a crawl because we’ll spend enough time at each bar to grab a drink and have discussions.
Time: 7:00pm-9:00pm
Date: Saturday, May 5th
Event Route: Begins at Hanny’s (SWC of 1st St & Adams). End TBD.
Host Organization: Thunderdome Neighborhood Association
Registration: No cap, but must RSVP by emailing: sean [dot] sweat [at] gmail [dot] com.
Accessibility: This event is accessible and welcoming to wheelchairs and seniors. Make sure to bring a valid ID – 21 and over please!
More Information: Check out David Crummey’s overview of this year’s Jane Jacobs Walk events. Also, check out the Facebook event page.