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Instabike of Downtown
10:00 AM10:00

Instabike of Downtown

Our last tour of the season will be Saturday, October 12th. Only this time we will explore by bike! We will explore history, urban design, redevelopment, and your vision for the future of Downtown. Thanks to the Utah Heritage Foundation for contributing some of the historical facts we’ll share.

The tour is free with an activity planned specifically for kids (it’s cool, we promise!). Each participant will receive a pedometer and we’ll give away a City Connect Pass at the end of each tour (both courtesy of Visit Salt Lake).

Bring your own bike. A limited number of GREENBikes will be available for individuals to borrow. If you need a bike, please email by 5 pm October 10th. Bring your smartphone to contribute to an Instagram photo journal of the tour (#downtownplanslc). See our project website ( for more information! Facebook event page:

Bike tour will travel City streets (not sidewalks).



  • 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Date: Saturday, October 12, 2013

Event Start/End: 

Departs from the Southeast corner of Pioneer Park at the Downtown Farmer’s Market, near the Bike Valet. Will end in the same place.

Host: Molly Robinson, Salt Lake City Corporation

Theme: Biking

Accessibility: This event is accessible and open to bicycles.

Registration: No, all are welcome. If you need to borrow a bike, a limited number of GREENbikes (from SLC’s bike share program) will be available. Please email to reserve a GREENbike no later than Thursday, October 10th at 5 pm.

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6:00 PM18:00


  • University of Utah Honors Residential Hall (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Campus is our laboratory to experiment with. Come take a stroll to learn more about your own backyard and the endless possibilities to enhance it. University of Utah students and the Utah Planning Student Organization (UPSO) have come together to host this walk to highlight sustainable projects on campus that have been implemented by students. All of the projects have been funded through the Sustainable Campus Initiative Fund (SCIF) that is available for any student to apply for ( At the end of the walk all attendees are welcome to join us for refreshments while we discuss what we would like to see happen next on campus. The hosts of the walk can further help individuals get in contact with the correct people to make these visions become a reality!

Time(s): 6:00pm-7:00pm

Date: Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Event Start/End: The event will begin at 6:00 pm at the University of Utah Honors Residential Hall. We will gather at the building’s pavilion and then begin our journey! We will explore the campus and end with light refreshments and short discussion at the Pioneer Gardens (lower campus).

Host: Kimber Collins, Megan Townsend
Utah Planning Student Organization (UPSO)

Accessibility: This event is accessible and open to college students, wheelchairs, children, and seniors.

Theme: Walking

Registration: No, all are welcome.

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Downtown Instawalk, Salt Lake City 2013
8:30 AM08:30

Downtown Instawalk, Salt Lake City 2013

Please join us Saturday for one of three walking tours exploring Downtown Salt Lake. We will explore history, urban design, redevelopment, and your vision for the future of Downtown. Thanks to the Utah Heritage Foundation for contributing some of the historical facts we’ll share.

The tours are free with an activity planned specifically for kids (it’s cool, we promise!). Each participant will receive a pedometer and we’ll give away a City Connect Pass at the end of each tour (both courtesy of Visit Salt Lake). (You are only eligible to win once per day; attending all 3 tours will not multiply your chances.)

Bring your smartphone to contribute to an Instagram photo journal of each tour (#downtownplanslc). See our project website for more information!
To register (not required, but helpful!), go to our Facebook events page.


  • 8:30-9:30 AM;
  • 10:30-11:30 AM;
  • 12:30-1:30 PM

Date: Saturday, September 21, 2013

Event Start/End: 

We will meet at the Northwest corner of Pioneer Park at the Downtown Farmer’s Market. Three tours (same material each time) depart at 8:30 AM, 10:30 AM, and 12:30 PM. Each will last about 1 hour.

Host: Molly Robinson, Salt Lake City Corporation

Theme: Walking

Accessibility: This event is accessible and open to Wheelchairs, Seniors, Children.

Registration: No, all are welcome. RSVP is suggested.  RSVP at:

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Creek Crawl
9:30 AM09:30

Creek Crawl

The City Creek Crawl will start at the south western corner of City Creek Park (State Street and 200 East) and follow the creek north to into Memory Grove Park. People are invited to participate and walk for as long as they like and feel comfortable. This walk will include a focus on the city and nature and is perfect for children. We will be walking on sidewalks, paved surfaces, and along the trail next to the creek in Memory Grove, so appropriate footwear is a must if you decide to continue onto the trail. Please consider bringing a picnic lunch to enjoy in the park at the end of the walk.

Time: 9:30 start- 11:00, feel free to join and spend as much time as you’d like on this walk and picnic afterwards. 

Date: Sunday, May 5, 2013 

Event Start/End: Start: City Creek Park (2nd Ave and State Street), End: Memory Grove Park

Host: Krissy Giacoletto, Jane Jacobs Walk

Registration: No, all are welcome

Accessibility: This event is open and accessible to Wheelchairs, Bicycles, Seniors, Children, Dogs

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Diversity in the Details
2:00 PM14:00

Diversity in the Details

Explore the up and coming Central Ninth neighborhood, including locally owned businesses and a community garden during our walk, Diversity in the Details.

Time: 2 pm to 3 pm

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013

Event Start/End: Local First Utah Headquarters 865 South 200 West (Big green warehouse)

Host: Kristen Lavelett, Local First Utah

Registration: No, all are welcome

Accessibility: This event is open and accessible to Wheelchairs, Bicycles, Seniors, Children

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Walk Downtown SLC
11:45 AM11:45

Walk Downtown SLC

Start at Caffe d’Bolla and loosely follow Open Streets route. Stop by City Library, Public Safety Building and City and County Building. Touch on urban design, sustainability, mid-street benefits. Walk down 300 south, talk about GreenBike program. End at the Intermodal HUB. Optional, rent a Green Bike for $5 and attend any of the other Open Street events.

Time: 11:45 am-1:30 pm

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013

Event Start/End: 

Meet at Caffe d’Bolla 249 East 400 South.

End at Intermodal Hub on 600 West and 300 South.

Host: Candice Blackwelder & Amanda Roman, Jane Jacobs Walk

Theme: Walking

Registration: No, all are welcome

Accessibility: This event is open and accessible to Wheelchairs, Bicycles, Seniors, Children

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Urban Wit Jane Jacobs Walk
10:30 AM10:30

Urban Wit Jane Jacobs Walk

We will meet at 10:30 at the corner of 21st South and 21st East in the Great Harvest Parking Lot and will end at the Upper Parking Lot of Architectural Nexus at 2505 East Parleys Way where we will have a BBQ free for all participants. (Approximately 1 mile walk)

Time: 10:30-12:30

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013

Event Start/End: 

Begins at the corner of 21st South and 21st East in the Great Harvest Parking Lot

Ends at the upper parking lot of Architectural Nexus 2505 East Parleys Way

HostJD Smith

Registration: No, all are welcome

Accessibility: This event is open and accessible to Seniors and Children

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Gems in the Garden
10:30 AM10:30

Gems in the Garden

East Central Community Council presents: Gems in the Garden, first annual JJ Walk in University Gardens Neighborhood

Whether you’re a long time resident of East Central or a new neighbor, Jane Jacobs Walk is a perfect opportunity for you to come out and explore the area! Enjoy fresh air and exercise, meet new people, and (re)discover many of the gems that give this neighborhood its unique charm! Please see more about our walk on

Time: 10:30 am-12:30

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013

Event Start/End:  Starting and ending in Helen’s Neighborhood Orchard northeast corner of 1100 East 100 South. *Enjoy a light picnic at the end of the walk.

Host: Mike Lynch,University of Utah Department of City & Metropolitan Planning Student Project, &  East Central Community Council (ECC)

Registration: Open to all but, please register with Mike Lynch at or call 801.484.8571

Accessibility: This event is open and accessible to Wheelchairs, Bicycles, Seniors, Children

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Meadowbrook Station – Transit Oriented Development Tour
10:00 AM10:00

Meadowbrook Station – Transit Oriented Development Tour

Envision Utah will be hosting a Jane Jacobs Walk, a walking community conversation, exploring the changing neighborhood dynamics around the Meadowbrook Trax station. The walking tour will highlight topics that include Transit Oriented Development, Accessibility & Mobility, Density and Complete Streets. We will also hear from community organizations as well as from representatives from South Salt Lake and Salt Lake County as we discuss the impacts of their presence in the neighborhood.

Time: 10am-12pm

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013

Event Start/End: 

Begin at the Meadowbrook Trax Station

End at the 3300 South Trax station

Contact: Nate Currey, Envision Utah 801.303.1453

Theme: Walking

Registration: No, all are welcome

Accessibility: This event is open and accessible to Seniors, Children

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