Old City Cemetery: Bikes, Boxers & Baseball
photo: Sacramento Historic City Cemetery
This tour takes place at Sacramento’s Old City Cemetery. Cemeteries have their own principles of urban design, and this tour will introduce you to the history of this 160 year old cemetery along with many of its inhabitants who were cyclists, advocates of Sacramento’s “Good Roads” movement, along with baseball players and other athletes.
Time: 10 AM-noon
Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013
Event Start/End:
Sacramento Historic City Cemetery Main Entrance, 10th & Broadway
Old City Cemetery docent Eric Bradner guides visitors through Sacramento’s historic City Cemetery, introducing members of 19th century cycling club The Sacramento Wheelmen, pugilists, and baseball players residing in the cemetery. Bicycle parking provided by SABA. Meet at cemetery main entrance.
Host: William Burg, Sacramento Old City Association
Theme: Walking
Registration: No need to sign up, just show up.
Accessibility: This event is accessible and open to Seniors, Children