Williamsburg Rise will be a platform for dialogue centering on the upcoming socio-economic changes converging on the neighborhood. With the sudden descent of multi-unit housing, Williamsburg’s physical appearance is not the only characteristic that will be impacted. New residents will move in, while a few of the current residents may have to move out. Walk host Sheilla Sumayang welcomes you to her neighborhood and encourages you to meet her neighbors.
*This walk will be happening 3 times, on both May 5th, and May 6th
Date: Saturday May 5, 2012
Time: 1:00pm-2:30pm
Date: Sunday May 6, 2012
Time: 11:00am-12:30pm
Date: Sunday May 6, 2012
Time: 2:00pm-3:30pm
Event Start/End: Wythe Hotel (NW corner of Wythe Avenue and North 11 Street)/Domino Sugar Factory (NE corner of Kent Avenue and South 2nd Street)
Host Organization: Sheilla Sumayang. Williamsburg resident, food explorer and lover of concrete jungles.
Registration: No need to sign up, just show up at the posted meeting location.
Accessibility: Partially Accessible – curbs, uneven terrain, busy sidewalks